- Full Money Back Guarantee - Testamonials - Joy of Singing Handel Messiah - Handel Messiah Vocal Scores - History of Handel Messiah - Handel Mesiah Performance CDs -
"Everything you need to learn to Sing Handel Messiah"
- comprises of 4 components -
Rehearsal Score (Sheet Music)
Learn your 'Words' (Audio)
Learn your 'Notes' (Audio)
Rehearse Singing in a Choir (Audio)
Start singing right away - try a sample of the whole first movement
It is very helpful to have a hard copy of the Rehearsal Score (sheet music) to
write notes on and refer to whilst learning your part. You can easily print a copy - please click ALTO SOPRANO
for a sample of the whole first movement
Please click below on your voice part if you wish to order
the whole of Handel Messiah and start singing today
Complete SING HANDEL MESSIAH Singing Set
Order by 3pm to catch today's post ALTO SOPRANO
- Rehearsal Score - CD1 Learn your Words - CD2 Learn Your Notes - CD3 Rehearse with the Choir - Vocal Score Bookmark - Keepsafe Wallett - Choral Singers Pencil -
Free Gift Included - Unique DVD which shows your notes and words changing in time with the music
Please click here to see an ALTO Free Gift sample on You Tube
Please click here to see a SOPRANO Free Gift sample on You Tube
Order by 3pm to catch today's post ALTO SOPRANO
Complete SING HANDEL MESSIAH Singing Set
with 'Prout' Vocal Score (NOV070134)
and DVD Free Gift
Order by 3pm to catch today's post ALTO SOPRANO
Complete SING HANDEL MESSIAH Singing Set
with 'Watkins Shaw' Vocal Score (NOV070137)
and DVD Free Gift
Order by 3pm to catch today's post ALTO SOPRANO
The Joy of Singing Handel Messiah
'Messiah' is the most sung choral work in the world, with words in English and clearly
defined movements - it is actually much easier to learn to sing than many people realise
If this is your first time of singing Handel Messiah or even if you have sung before, one thing is for certain that you need to be confident in your 'words', your 'notes' and when you 'come in' so you can fully contribute to the choir and really enjoy the whole experience.
With everyone in the choir having such a key role throughout Messiah there is hardly a moment to pause, and then there is the superb 'Hallelujah Chorus' which will leave you breathless and high as a kite!
1. Rehearsal Score (Sheet Music)
.... easy to follow ...
- Displays your notes & words very clearly -
- Displays bar numbers at the start of every line -
- Displays rehearsal letters throughout -
- Displays musical symbol explanations -
- Displays track numbers from the recordings -
- Displays time line from the recordings -
.... always know where you are as the guidance words you hear the Narrator call out on the audio recording is shown in Red on the rehearsal score at the same place in the music - please see above: 'Bar 11 ...And ...'
2. A Recording to Learn your 'Words' (audio)
- Perfectly sung by a professional singer -
- Sing with the singer to learn your words -
- Narrator calls out when you come in -
3. A Recording to Learn your 'Notes' (audio)
- Played at the perfect pitch -
- Sing to learn your notes -
- Narrator calls out when you come in -
4. A Recording to Rehearse Singing in a Choir (audio)
- Whole choir singing perfectly together -
- Join in singing your words at the correct pitch using your Rehearsal Score -
We have been producing rehearsal recordings for choral singers for over 20 years and SING HANDEL MESSIAH is now our flagship learning aid - for the first time we have combined the sheet music (rehearsal score) with three rehearsal recordings.
"Thank you for your new Sing Handel Messiah - I LOVE it"
Elizabeth from Truro Choral Society
"I am delighted with my Singing Set and thank you for sending so quickly"
Katherine from Barts Choir London
".. It is excellent and the 3 CDs are so very clear and easy to follow"
Judith from Battle Choral Society
"I used the online download and could not believe how easy it all was, thank you
and please make these for other works"
We are delighted we have over 20,000 regular customers, from all over the world, who use ChoraLine every year.
We do understand if you are new to ChoraLine you are bound to be slightly cautious as to whether it is right for you and so, for your peace of mind, we have introduced a full Money Back Guarantee whereby the full cost of your purchase will be refunded back to your credit/debit card at your request. All you have to do is email us and the refund will be made right away with absolutely no questions or fuss at all - best wishes, Andrew

There are many editions of vocal scores for Handel Messiah and we have shown the two most popular below
please click here to see all the vocal scores for Handel Messiah
Novello - Edited by Watkins Shaw
This is the most frequently used edition all over the world with the words in English.
Please click here to order this score
Novello - Edited by Ebenezer Prout
This is the lowest price vocal score for Handel's Messiah
Please click here to order this vocal score

Performance CDs of Handel Messiah

Handel's reputation in England, where he had lived since 1712, had been established through his compositions of Italian opera. He turned to English oratorio in the 1730s in response to changes in public taste; Messiah was his sixth work in this genre. Although its structure resembles that of opera, it is not in dramatic form; there are no impersonations of characters and no direct speech. Instead, Jennens's text is an extended reflection on Jesus as the Messiah called Christ. The text begins in Part I with prophecies by Isaiah and others, and moves to the annunciation to the shepherds, the only "scene" taken from the Gospels. In Part II, Handel concentrates on the Passion and ends with the "Hallelujah" chorus. In Part III he covers the resurrection of the dead and Christ's glorification in heaven.
Handel wrote Messiah for modest vocal and instrumental forces, with optional settings for many of the individual numbers. In the years after his death, the work was adapted for performance on a much larger scale, with giant orchestras and choirs. In other efforts to update it, its orchestration was revised and amplified by (among others) Mozart. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries the trend has been towards reproducing a greater fidelity to Handel's original intentions, although "big Messiah" productions continue to be mounted. A near-complete version was issued on 78 rpm discs in 1928; since then the work has been recorded many times.
Handel's Messiah was originally an Easter offering. It burst onto the stage of Musick Hall in Dublin on April 13, 1742. The audience swelled to a record 700, as ladies had heeded pleas by management to wear dresses "without Hoops" in order to make "Room for more company." Handel's superstar status was not the only draw; many also came to glimpse the contralto, Susannah Cibber, then embroiled in a scandalous divorce.
The men and women in attendance sat mesmerized from the moment the tenor followed the mournful string overture with his piercing opening line: "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God." Soloists alternated with wave upon wave of chorus, until, near the midway point, Cibber intoned: "He was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." So moved was the Rev. Patrick Delany that he leapt to his feet and cried out: "Woman, for this be all thy sins forgiven thee!"
Without question, one of the most famous pieces of music ever written or performed is Handel’s Messiah. Note that the title of this work is not ‘The Messiah&rsquo